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Fine Books & Collections on McKnight Fellowship Exhibition
The Fine Books & Collections highlights the McKnight Fellowship Exhibition featuring work by CB Sherlock, Corinne Teed, Brien Beidler and Todd Thyberg.
FIBER ART NOW: Storytelling Takes Shape
MCBA is one of four organizations featured in this article about the flourishing field of book arts. Learn about MCBA’s history and mission, exhibitions, fellowships, and who we serve. Open the PDF by clicking here.
ART HOUNDS Spotlights Jerome Residency Exhibition
MCBA instructor and artist Erin Maurelli discusses the MCBA/Jerome Book Arts Residency exhibition and one of the featured artists, Christopher Selleck, whose work centers around themes of masculinity, sexuality, and identity.
STAR TRIBUNE Critics’ Picks: MCBA Prize Exhibition
MCBA Prize exhibition selected for Star Tribune’s Critics’ Picks: The 15 best things to do and see in the Twin Cities this week
LIT HUB: A Literary Road Trip Across America
An ode to the literary artists, books, and locations from all 50 states. In Literary Hub’s Minnesota feature, MCBA is highlighted as a literary landmark that celebrates and explores book arts!
RACKET: Pride Fest, Uptown Cat Tour, NE Dog Parade: This Week’s Best Events
It’s 2024 Pride Week in Minneapolis! Read Racket’s suggestions for the best events to attend. MCBA will be present at Meet at MIA: Pride Party with letterpress activities for all!
NEW YORK TIMES: 36 Hours in Minneapolis
From NYT’s Travel, read about the best food, activities and scenic spots to check out in Minneapolis in just 36 hours. These great recommendations include none other than our very own Minnesota Center for Book Arts!
REDFIN: Minneapolis, MN Art Scene: Exploring the Creative Side of the Cities
Whether you’re settling into a new apartment in Minneapolis, MN or renting a house in the city, you’ll quickly find that this city boasts an art scene that’s as diverse as the city itself. For those ready to explore, check out this Redfin article we were featured in highlighting the Minneapolis, MN art scene.
Listen to a seven-minute interview with MCBA’s Director of Exhibitions and Artist Programs, Anika Schneider, who provides information about MCBA’s offerings in general and the McKnight Fellowships for Book Artists in particular.
SAHAN JOURNAL: Your weekend guide: Arts events in the Twin Cities this weekend
Read an overview of Paper Is People: Decolonizing Global Paper Cultures and how it’s redefining the concept of handmade paper—by both exploring different cultural traditions and demonstrating how those traditions are being pushed forward by contemporary artists.
STAR TRIBUNE: What is paper? With ‘Paper Is People,’ Minnesota Center for Book Arts rethinks the white sheet
Hear from curators Tia Blassingame and Stephanie Sauer on why they started interrogating the definition of paper, and why bark, cloth, and pottery qualify. The show upends expectations while shining a spotlight on traditions that have been systemically erased.
MPR NEWS: Arts Briefs: Classic musicals, opera and paper
“A handmade sheet of paper the size of a trailer. Rubbery-looking fauna. Intricate basketlike weavings,” lists the article to illustrate the assertion that Paper Is People is rethinking the definition of paper.
DISPATCH: Artistic alchemy spins silence and sorrow into strength
Paper Is People: Decolonizing Global Paper Cultures is an Editor Pick alongside Carla Christenson’s solo glass show at Foci. Read about the impact of our limited understanding of paper and how this show broadens that definition by displaying Hawaiian kapa, Mexican acate, Indigenous paper basket-weaving, birch bark biting, and more.
TEAMBUILDING.COM: 25 Best Team Building Activities in Minneapolis, MN
MCBA and its bookmaking studio was included on this list of museum tours, art classes, and other excursions, indoor and outdoor, to get teams interacting in fun and interesting ways outside of the workplace in the Twin Cities.
MPLS.ST.PAUL MAGAZINE: Minnesota Center for Book Arts Opens New Exhibition
Find out what these paper cast bottles, cans, glasses, and jars represent to artist Sun Young Kang in her new installation, In Between Presence and Absence: The Illusionary Reality.
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS: Assistant Professor Corinne Teed named 2022 McKnight Book Artist Fellow
Learn more about Corinne Teed and how they plan to spend their McKnight Fellowship year. Corinne is an Assistant Professor in the Art department at the University of Minnesota.
STAR TRIBUNE: New type to tell new stories
Jenna Ross of the Minneapolis Star Tribune draws a beautiful portrait of our new Hebrew, Spanish, and Arabic wood type and what it means to its practitioners. Hear from the people involved in its production and learn about our plans for future projects!
LITHUB: Where Intimacy Meets Tactility: Artists and Publishers on the Nature of the Photobook
MCBA Executive Director Elysa Voshell participates in an online conversation with a number of photographers, publishers and designers about the nature of the photobook.
MPLS DOWNTOWN: What’s New Downtown with Minnevangelist
Get up to speed on MCBA’s reopening activities with this brief article by a pair of East Coast journalists who started Minnevangelist, a site devoted to spreading the gospel of Minnesota’s greatness after embarking on an exhaustive 16-month, 40-state, 229-city search for a new hometown.
THE MINNESOTA DAILY: Minnesota Center for Book Arts releases new virtual exhibit with plans to re-open in the fall for in-person viewing
Learn how to view Solastalgia virtually and in person, what it means, and hear the inspiration behind individual artworks in the show—complete with quotes from participating artists, curator Torey Erin and Executive Director Elysa Voshell.