Saturday, March 22; 10am–4pm and Sunday, March 23; 12–4pm CT
Learn to create drawers that slide and divisions within the box in MCBA’s studios.
A fun thing to do when making boxes is to create custom containers to hold your treasures, tools, and collections. Create a box that has a lid with a hinge, a divided tray, and a drawer.
Level: Intermediate. Basic box building experience is required, including experience covering boards and checking to make sure your boards and compartments are square.
Certificate: 10 hours, Category B or C
$266/participant (10% discount for MCBA members) + $65 materials fee
$133 for BIPOC/Financial scholarship participants (10% discount for MCBA members) + $65 materials fee
MCBA offers two scholarship types for workshops—Financial Hardship Scholarships and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Scholarships—to honor equity and increase access and artistic opportunities for those who have historically been underrepresented in the book arts. For individuals to whom these scholarships do not apply, register at the Adult rate and, if you are able, consider making a donation when registering to support MCBA’s efforts to make scholarships available.