Everyday Spirits Zine by Paulina Solakhava


This zine shows that when places are well loved, “little spirits” grow.

7” x 5”

*Consignment item. Not eligible for 10% membership discount. All consignment purchases are final and non-refundable once shipped.

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This zine shows that when places are well loved, “little spirits” grow.

7” x 5”

*Consignment item. Not eligible for 10% membership discount. All consignment purchases are final and non-refundable once shipped.

This zine shows that when places are well loved, “little spirits” grow.

7” x 5”

*Consignment item. Not eligible for 10% membership discount. All consignment purchases are final and non-refundable once shipped.

Paulina Solakhava (she/her) is a Minnesota based illustrator who is inspired by childlike wonder and nature. She strives to create comfort and magic for kids and adults alike through her work. When she's not drawing, Paulina can be found spending time with her sisters, cooking, going on walks and reading.
PaulinaSolakhava.WixSite.com/ThistleBug | Instagram: @Thistle.Bug

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